Vevin Song

The Old Review Dust-Off: Vevin Song

Hey Bookworm friends, I thought trying to post one "Old Review Dust-Off" a month would be fun. It's a series where I re-share my old reviews of books I think deserve more attention. I believe old posts deserve to come back into the spotlight every once in a while🖤. Today's review I'm re-sharing is for Vevin Song.
Magical Readathon: My TBR For Autumn Equinox (Sept) 2024

Magical Readathon: My TBR For Autumn Equinox (Sept) 2024

Hey bookworm friends, the second semester at Orillium Academy is coming up and I'm getting ready! The prompts have been released, my TBR has been cooking you smell that? Yes, that's the smell of a fresh TBR! Here is my Magical Readathon TBR—pray to the Necromancy Gods that I can stick to it.